BusinessComplete Fully Managed Enterprise WhatsApp Business Solution
We will act as a Solution Provider which will accelerate the WhatsApp On broading Process and provide you with Simplified API or UI Based Solutions
WhatsApp Official Business Account
Complete Fully Managed Enterprise WhatsApp Business API Solution
WhatsApp Business API
Your Brand : A business account clearly displays your company name at top of the screen
Your Logo : Help your end users recognize you
Get Verified: The green tick help you gain user’s trust
Encryption: All messages are end to end encrypted
Send Media: Relay multimedia messages with images, documents, videos, locations and more

Why WhatsApp Official Business Account?
It will give you a fully managed Enterprise WhatsApp Business API Solution . With our services, you will get an accelerated WhatsApp Onboarding Process and a Simplified API or UI Based Solutions.
Use Your Number
Use existing mobile number, toll-free or landlineHighly Scalable
High Through Put Per Second (TPS) to 250+ TPS with 99.5% UptimeRich Messaging
Media files including contact, location are supportedMessage Insights
Get Delivery & Read Reports and Configure Fall BacksProactive Messaging
Start Conversation with Users using WhatsApp Approved Templates100% Official
Your number is Officially Authorised by WhatsApp. Liberal Blocking
WhatApp API Official Business Account
We have the best price combined with the top-notch service quality backed by 24 x 7 Live Human Chat Support
WhatsApp Billing Components As Below
WhatsApp Templates
Templates are pre-approved messages from WhatsApp which used to send outbound messages like OTP, Shipping Alert, Transaction Alert, Appointment Alerts. Marketing or Promotional Messages are allowed to be send to opt-in customers. All outbound template messages are charged as per the destination country. Currently only Images , video & Documents are supported through template messages. All templates must be approved by WhatsApp.
WhatsApp Session
All inbound and outbound messages to your WhatsApp number is called Session. A session will start when the user initiates a message with your number and the session lasts for 24 hours from the last messages received from the particular user, which means the session time will get resets whenever a new message receives from a user. When a user session is active you can send any type of messages including marketing, promotional, media, contact, location etc. Session messages are billed at a flat rate mentioned in the pricing section.
The billing will be done on prepaid basis and its real-time, you can add funds to your account and all charges will be debited from your account automatically.
Setup Charges
One time setup charges for setting up your Official WhatsApp Business Account
Monthly Maintenance Charges
This is a recurring fixed monthly charge to maintain the high availability docker service
Please follow the below steps to get started with WhatsApp Official Business Account. The process takes 15-20 working days to complete.
In Principle Approval (5-7 Days)
Once you submitted the application, we will evaluate your details and if your business and use-case is eligible for getting WhatsApp approval then we will submit the details to WhatsApp for getting In Principle Approval. This process takes 5-7 Working Days
Please note that your business and messaging needs must comply with the WhatsApp Business Policies | Commerce Policies | Opt-In Requirements
Final Approval From WhatsApp (7-14 Days)
When we receive In Principle approval we will communicate you via email and you need to pay the one time non-refundable setup charges as per the plan you would like to opt.
Once you paid the setup charges we will start preparing your company profile, use-cases and other documents needed for final approval and present to WhatsApp . This process takes 7-14 Working Days
If you are not getting the final approval then we will refund the setup charges collected within 7-14 working days.
Final Approval Process At Your End
During the Final Approval process you have to follow certain steps in your facebook business manager. In case you dont have a facebook business manager you can create one here
Configuring with Facebook Business Manager (5 minutes)
Once we received the approval from WhatsApp we need to create a WhatsApp Business Account (WABA) with your Facebook business manager id. You will receive a notification that asks to give us permission to send and receive WhatsApp messages on your behalf , accept the notification that’s it.
Verifying WhatsApp Number (10 Minutes)
We will initiate a verification process of your WhatsApp number given during the approval process. Your phone number must be able to receive either international sms or calls, you can use landline or mobile number even toll-free numbers are possible as far as it can receive international calls
That’s It ! You are Officially Live! You can use the existing MySmsMantra WhatsApp API’s to seamlessly integrate with your application or make use our All In One Communication Suite to get started immediately.